Greenhouse Church South Florida
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Helping Ordinary People Become Passionate Followers of Jesus Christ.


Welcome, and thank you for visiting Greenhouse Church. We hope that the site highlights the uniqueness of Greenhouse South Florida, while remaining in line with the heart of Greenhouse Church, in general. Please feel free to read more about Greenhouse South Florida on this site, or come and visit with us.


What began as a small group Bible study in a home in 2010, steadily blossomed and grew. After much research, prayer and fasting, we were led to begin a campus at Western High School. From the start, our vision has been to be a blessing to the school and the surrounding community, endeavoring to help ordinary people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.

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In person services are held in the Auditorium at Western High School (1200 SW 136th Ave Davie, FL).

You can also join us for Church Online, which happens right here!

Sunday Morning services are at 10:30 AM.

We'd love to help you plan a visit!
